Daily Java is an online community dedicated to the success and upliftment of small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs.
Feature your business or side hustle to our global audience by completing a few questions below and email it to [email protected]
Include: An image of yourself + product images + website & social links and/or videos. One lucky entrepreneur also stands a chance to win a brand refresh valued at $1000
- Why and when did you start your business or side hustle?
- What challenges have you experienced and how can friends and family or the community be of help to you?
- How many employees do you have and how do you motivate them and yourself?
- What services or products do you offer and what value does it deliver?
- What has thus far been your greatest achievement?
- What are your goals and how do you keep track of it – how many have you achieved?
- Is running your own business or hustle what you thought it would be and what advice do you have for those who are considering it?